I am a political sociologist, with expertise in quantitative and computational methods, particularly interested in informing public debates and social policies on pressing issues. In works published or under review in outlets like Social Movement Studies, American Sociological Review, Social Psychology Quarterly, and Social Forces, I have conducted research addressing far-right extremism; deconstructing the right-wing backlash to reproductive rights and employment equity; informing the limits of the “framing” solution to polarization on issues like climate change, the pandemic response, and health policies; as well as highlighting policy representation gaps that have emerged within and across generations.

I hold a M.A. in Political Science from the University of Ottawa and will defend my Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Toronto in late 2024. Both my Master’s research, on far-right extremism in Italy, and Doctoral research, on the antecedents and aftermath of France’s Yellow Vests movement and the ‘Great National Debate’, an in-person and online deliberative procedure, have received generous support from the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (SSHRC). I am also an affiliate of the Social Change Lab, a member of the Data Sciences Institute, and a student advisory board member of the Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie.

For more on my research, please explore a figure below!

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